lamella clarifier造句
- Lamella clarifier performance can be improved by the addition of flocculants and coagulants.
- A further advantage of the lamella clarifier is its distinct absence of mechanical, moving parts.
- Another design variation, which improves the efficiency of the separation unit is the way the effluent enters the lamella clarifier.
- The surface loading rate ( also known as surface overflow rate or surface settling rate ) for a lamella clarifier falls between 10 25 m / h.
- For the treatment of potable water the overflow from the lamella clarifier will require further treatment to remove organic molecules as well as disinfection to remove bacteria.
- It's difficult to find lamella clarifier in a sentence. 用lamella clarifier造句挺难的
- In either of these cases the overflow requires post-treatment such as an anthracite-sand filter to prevent the algae from spreading downstream of the lamella clarifier.
- Whilst the lamella clarifier has overcome many difficulties encountered by the use of more traditional clarifiers, there are still some disadvantages involved with the configuration and running of the equipment.
- By designing the lamella clarifier so that the effluent enters the inclined plates without interfering with the downward slurry flow the capacity of the lamella clarifier can be improved by 25 %.
- By designing the lamella clarifier so that the effluent enters the inclined plates without interfering with the downward slurry flow the capacity of the lamella clarifier can be improved by 25 %.
- Initial investment required for a typical lamella clarifier varies from US $ 750 to US $ 2500 per cubic meter of water to be treated, depending on the design of the clarifier.
- As the inclined plates in the lamella clarifier are made of steel it is not recommended that chlorine be used to control the biological growth as it could accelerate the corrosion of the plates.
- For example, if the fluid being put through the lamella clarifier comes from a heavy industrial plant it may require post-treatment to remove oil and grease especially if the effluent is going to be discharged to the environment.
- There is a tendency with lamella clarifiers for algae to grow on the inclined plates and this can be a problem especially if the overflow is being discharged to the environment or if the lamella clarifier is being utilised as pre-treatment for a membrane filtration unit.